Enjoy Your Orthodontic Treatment Using Clear Teeth Aligners

More than 8 out of 10 adults believe straight, attractive teeth help people get ahead in life.
If you’ve been searching for a discreet way to straighten your teeth and achieve the ideal smile, we have your solution. We make it easy to get the smile you’ve been wanting using Invisalign orthodontics. Rather than the metal brackets and wires that traditional braces use, Invisalign treatment consists of wearing comfortable plastic teeth aligners.

Your clear aligners:

  • Will fit snugly over your teeth, gently moving them into their proper positions
  • Won’t interfere with your ability to speak or smile
  • Are easy to get used to, unlike metal braces
  • Can be removed for eating, brushing, or special occasions

You’ll want to wear your aligners for at least 20-22 hours a day to maximize your treatment period. Wearing your aligners for the proper length of time each day will keep your treatment as short as possible. In fact, many of our patients complete their treatment in as few as 12 months. Some patients take longer and some shorter. Your dentist will give you an estimate on your treatment period at your initial consultation.

We can even show you a digital image of your new smile before you ever begin treatment. You’ll know just what to expect from your clear aligners.

Most people will never notice that you’re wearing aligners. They will blend in naturally with your smile, so your orthodontic treatment can be your secret unless you choose to tell others.

Clear Aligners Correct an Array of Orthodontic Issues

While Invisalign clear aligners may not have metal wires and brackets, they can still solve many orthodontic problems like traditional braces would. You may consider this treatment if you have:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Overcrowded or overlapping teeth
  • Uneven spacing
  • Crossbites, underbites, and overbites

We recommend this treatment for patients 15 and older with no upper age limit. In some cases, you may need braces to correct your orthodontic issues. If so, we offer both traditional metal braces and clear ceramic braces. Clear braces are a good option if you want your treatment to be less noticeable.

Combine Your Treatment With Cosmetic Solutions

Once you have completed your aligner treatment, you may want to create an extra “wow” effect by pursuing cosmetic treatments. You may consider:

  • Affordable dental bonding to correct imperfections
  • Same-day dental veneers for perfect teeth that lasts for years
  • Professional teeth whitening to eliminate stains

You’ll love how you feel when you walk out of our office with your transformed smile!

For Invisalign in Moses Lake, call Skyview Dental today at 509-707-8696 to schedule an appointment. We can’t wait to help you achieve your best smile!